Adding attachments and screenshots

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To add a comment with an attachment to the ticket:

1.In the Ticket adding or ‘Adding comment to a ticket’ view click the hd_attachment_icon icon.

2.In the dialog box select the file to be attached.

3.Enter a comment and click the Comment button.


To add a comment with a screenshot to the ticket:

1.In the Ticket adding or ‘Adding comment  to a ticket’ view click the screenshot_icon icon.

2.In the dialog box click the Screenshot button. An image of the user’s desktop will be displayed. Click the Done button to attach the displayed screenshot to the comment.

3.Enter a comment and click the Comment button.

Note: A screenshot can only be added by the author of the ticket, if the Agent with the configuration enabling screenshots is installed on their machine.


To add a comment with a link to an article in the knowledge base to the ticket:

1.In the ‘Adding comment to a ticket’ view click the hd_addarticle_icon icon.

2.In the dialog box select the articles to be added to the comment. The selected articles will appear in the box. Click the Add to comment button to attach the selected articles to the comment.

3.Enter a comment and click the Comment button.

Note: The link to an article can only be added by a user with the Administrator or HelpDesk Employee role.



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