Adding a ticket

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To create a new trouble ticket in the HelpDesk interface:

1.In the Tickets view click the Add ticket button.

2.Enter the Subject of the ticket.

3.Enter the Description of the issue in the embedded text editor.

4.You can Add attachment to the ticket.

5.You can Add screenshot if the Agent is installed on the device.

6.Fill in the Requester field (Administrator and HelpDesk employee may create a ticket on someone’s behalf).

7.In the Assignee field use the list to select the person to whom the ticket is to be assigned (optionally).

8.Set the ticket’s Category by selecting one of the available categories from the list. You can add a new category without interrupting the article creation process.

9.Set the ticket’s Priority by selecting one of the available priorities from the list.  You can add a new priority without interrupting the article creation process.

10.Use the list to select the Related device which the ticket relates to (optionally).

11.After the ticket creation is complete, click the Add ticket button.


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