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Priorities allow the specification of the severity of the reported issue. The Administrator can manage the existing priorities and add new ones. When creating a ticket, User cannot select a priority - only Administrators and HelpDesk Employees may change this field. It is recommended to precede the names with digits, setting the priorities in ascending or descending order, so that after alphabetical sorting, their order of importance can be still easily identified.

Note: exactly one default priority must exist at all times and cannot be deleted.


Priorities are managed from the level of the HelpDesk web interface.

To create a new priority:

1.Go to Settings / Priorities tab.

2.Click Add priority button.

3.Enter a new unique priority name and click Add priority.


To edit a priority:

1.Go to Settings / Priorities tab.

2.Select Edit option for the priority you want to edit.

3.Enter the new priority name and click Save changes.


To change the default priority:

1.Go to Settings / Priorities tab.

2.Select the Set priority as default option for the priority which should be the default one.

3.Click the Set as default button.


To delete a priority:

1.Go to Settings / Priorities tab.

2.Select the Remove option for the priority to be deleted.

3.Confirm the priority deletion by clicking Remove priority.

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09_img2 Adding a ticket