Adding an automation

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The automation addition view enables the determination of the conditions and actions which are to be performed in a specified situation.


To add an automation:

1.Log in to the HelpDesk interface.

2.In the main navigation, on the left-hand side of the interface, select Automations.

3.In the automation list click the Add automation button.

4.Fill in the fields:

name – specify the name of the new automation,

description – you can add a short description of the automation operation.

5.Determine the automation status after it has been created.

6.Specify the automation trigger type – when it should be performed:

daily – an automatic procedure for checking the list of unclosed tickets is launched every day. Within its operation, the conditions defined by the administrator are checked and determined actions are taken. Example: Set the status to “Closed” for tickets not updated for 14 days.

after a new ticket has been created,

after a ticket has been updated.

7.Define the condition application logic:

You can specify whether in order for the automation to be applied, the processed ticket should meet any or all of the conditions defined below.

To add another condition, click the Add condition link.

8.Specify the actions which are to be taken, if the trouble ticket meets the conditions:

To add another action, click the Add action link.

9.Save the automation by clicking the Add automation button.