Closed tickets under SLA reports

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Closed tickets under SLA reports display the statistics of closed tickets processed under SLA metrics. This group of reports enables the investigation into how the service level agreement provisions were fulfilled.

The reports are archival. Re-generation of a report with the same arguments will always produce the same results.


Reported data

The report only includes the metrics which have not been invalidated and are related to the tickets closed in the specified time interval.

Tickets with fulfilled SLA – counts the tickets with a metric which has not been violated and has completed its run due to an event which effectively closes it (first response, ticket closure).

Tickets with violated SLA – counts the tickets with a metric which has been violated and completed its run due to an event which effectively closes it.

SLA fulfillment (%) – number of tickets, for which the metric has been fulfilled / number of all tickets with any metric.

SLA violation / average / maximum / total – time running from the moment of violation (if a metric was exceeded by one hour, the violation time is one hour). Pertains only to the period when the metric was active. Includes all violated metrics (without the invalidated ones).

Average SLA measurement duration – average run time for all completed metrics. Pertains only to the period when the metric was active.

Total time average is counted by weight: number of objects in a row * row value/total number of objects.