SLA metric course reports

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SLA metric course reports display the events that occurred during the SLA metric run. The purpose of this group of reports is to monitor the tasks executed under the service level agreement.


Reported data

The report does not include metrics in tickets removed by the administrator.

Tickets with SLA measurement – counts the tickets covered by the metric where the coverage started within the specified report time range.

Tickets with violated SLA – counts the ticket with a violated metric where the violation occurred within the specified report time range.

Tickets with completed measurement and fulfilled SLA – counts the tickets with a metric which has not been violated and has completed its run due to an event which effectively closes it (first response, ticket closure) within the specified report time range.

Tickets with completed measurement and violated SLA – counts the tickets with a metric which has been violated and has completed its run due to an event which effectively closes it within the specified report time range.