Blocking access to selected websites

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Websites can be blocked for a workstation with an installed nVision Agent by means of Agent profiles. By default, all websites can be accessed. To enable blocking, toggle on the integration with TCP/IP stack in the Compatibility and performance tab. To learn how to do this, see the chapter I cannot block websites.

The following protocols are supported at the moment: HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP:25, SMTP:587, SMTP via SSL, POP3 via SSL and POP3:110. The following protocols are not supported at the moment: IMAP, MAPI.

Blocking access to websites                

The model blocking settings are presented in the Blocking settings chapter.

To block access to a website:

1.Navigate to the Atlas information, Group information or User information window. Switch to the Blockades tab.

2.Select the Web filtering page.

3.Click the Add rule button.

4.Enter the rule name, select the Block action and enter an IP address or domain to be blocked. An example of the rule is shown on the image below.

In the nVision options, you can configure the text of the notification to be shown to users when they visit a blocked website.



Excluding domains from blocking rules in the Agent profile

To exclude domains for all the devices used, you must properly configure the Agent profile.

1.Navigate to the Tools and options tab, and then to the Manage Agent profiles menu.
2.Select the Agent profile to be edited 06_img4 or create a new one 06_img2 that will suit your needs.
3.In the Edit window, navigate to the Compatibility tab, and then to the Excluded domains tab.
4.Add a domain to be blocked and confirm with OK.


Time window

It is possible to set the time window (hours and days) when the given website will be blocked. For example, you can block access on business days during working hours. Thus, outside of the time window devoted to work, the user will be able to access the blocked website.



If any problems with blocking websites occur, see the chapter I cannot block websites to find a solution.