How to get access to nVision via Web browser?

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To allow access to nVision via a Web browser (in read-only mode), first enable the Web access in the nVision application:



1.Select the Options icon in the main toolbar of nVision.

2.Navigate to the Service configuration tab, and then mark the Enable Web access option and enter the port number through which the Web Access will operate.


Warning! If Web access wasn't enabled prior to upgrading to nVision 14, it is no longer available.

Browser access

When the Web Access is toggled on in the manner described above, it is possible to use nVision by means of a Web browser. For this purpose, enter the IP address and port number of the machine running nVision in the browser address bar and then, after connecting to the access module, enter the user name and password to log in to nVision. Please notice that the Web Access is read-only, so no changes to nVision can be made through it.

The option of optimization for weaker machines (login window, Options button) allows the operation of the nVision Web Access module on slower computers, but increases bandwidth usage.
