Inherited alerts

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As you know from previous topics, you can define an alert for the whole atlas and for the map - not only for one host. If the alert is defined for the whole atlas, then it is valid for all maps and all hosts meeting defined host type criteria (except those objects where inheritance is turned off). Read the Managing alerts topic to find out how to filter out inherited alerts. Inherited alerts are those alerts that have been defined elsewhere, but we see them on the list of the currently selected host or map.

Similarly, alerts defined for a map will be inherited by all maps which are descendants of this map. Descendant maps are those which names appear under the selected map name. You can hide or expand the whole tree of descendant maps using the 11_img7 icon next to the map name.

Let’s see an example of the atlas tree:


Filtering inherited alerts off

If you don’t want alerts from higher level objects to be inherited, then you can filter them out. You can do that for every map and host independently.

1.Open the alert managing window for a map or a host.

2.Check Don’t inherit alerts if you don’t want the inherited alerts to be generated for the selected object. If this checkbox is currently checked and you would like to use alerts inheritance, just uncheck it.