Available permissions

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This chapter describes the rights that may be granted to users under each of the roles.






nVision administration console

Access to the nVision desktop console


User can log in to the nVision administration console.

Access to the management of Agent visibility settings


User may manage the settings of the Agent icon visibility and the Agent screen visibility after logging in.

Access to the Agent menu


User has access to the menu where they can execute remote commands on a machine with Agent (including disabling or uninstalling the Agent itself).

Access to the WebAccess console


User can log in to the nVision’s remote WebAccess interface.

If user is not the administrator, this option allows to define maps and branches on which the user will be able to open the map view, view the device information and enable remote access.

Access to maps and branches

Access to all or selected objects

Access to all: user can see the selected maps and branches. They have access to creating, editing and deleting them.

Access to selected: user can see the selected maps and branches only. They cannot create new objects (or delete the existing ones). They can edit only those maps and branches they have access to. They cannot also create sub-branches in the branches managed by them.

Access to users and groups

Access to all or selected objects

Access to all: user can see all users and groups and have access to creating, editing and deleting them.

Access to selected: user can see the selected users and groups only. They cannot create new users and groups, or delete the existing ones. They can edit only those they have access to. They cannot also create sub-groups in the groups managed by them.  They cannot change the users’ (and groups’) membership of groups other than those they have access to. They cannot delete or add any user (or group) to a group not managed by them.


Access to the management of the Network module functions


This right allows access to the Network module components via the nVision administration console. If user does not have access to the administration console, this setting is ineffective.


Access to the management of the Inventory module functions


This right allows access to the Inventory module components via the nVision administration console. If user does not have access to the administration console, this setting is ineffective.

* Further options are only available when access to the module management is enabled.

Access to the management of settings in Agent profiles *


User can manage the Agent profiles and edit settings from the Inventory module in them.

Access to the file manager *


User can use the file manager function.

This setting is shared with the HelpDesk module (the function is available in both modules).

Access to the MSI package manager *


User can use the MSI package manager function.


Access to the management of the Users module functions


This right allows access to the Users module components via the nVision administration console and enables to grant the administrator rights in the SmartTime interface.

* Further options are only available when access to the module management is enabled.

Access to the management of settings in Agent profiles *


User can manage the Agent profiles and edit settings from the Users module in them.

Access to the management of desktop preview settings *


User can manage the desktop preview settings for the users they have access to.

This setting is shared with the HelpDesk module (the function is available in both modules).

Access to the management of monitoring settings *


User can manage the monitoring settings for the users they have access to.

This setting is shared with the SmartTime module (the function is available in both modules).

Access to the management of blocking settings *


User can manage the blocking settings for the users they have access to.


Access to the management of the DataGuard module functions


This right allows access to the DataGuard module components via the nVision administration console (in Delphi). If user does not have access to the console, this setting is ineffective.

Access to the management of settings in Agent profiles (yes/no)


User can manage the Agent profiles and edit settings from the DataGuard module in them.


Access to the management of the HelpDesk module functions


This right allows access to the HelpDesk module components via the nVision administration console and enables to grant the administrator rights in the ticket system.

* Further options are only available when access to the module management is enabled.

Access to the management of access settings *


User can manage the remote access settings for the users they have access to.

Access to the management of desktop preview settings *


User can manage the desktop preview settings for the users they have access to.

This setting is shared with the Users module (the function is available in both modules).

Access to the file manager *


User can use the file manager function.

This setting is shared with the Inventory module (the function is available in both modules).

Access to remote management tools *


User can use the remote command execution, HelpDesk distribution task and process management functions.

Level of rights in the ticket system


This right is available to users that have access to the management of the HelpDesk module functions.

Users with the administrator role have access to technical settings of the HelpDesk.

HelpDesk employee

Users with this role can perform operations related to ticket processing in the HelpDesk module. They can also plan their absences.


User with the user role can only create new tickets and view those for which they are observers.

Level of rights in the Chat system

Full access

User can log in to the chat and make full use of its features.

Access to technical support only

This right is only available if user has the “user” role in the ticket system.

User can log in to the chat, but may use a limited number of its features.

On the contact list, they can only see the users with the “administrator” or “HelpDesk employee” role in the HelpDesk, and can chat with them only.

They can only be seen on the contact list by the users with the “administrator” or “HelpDesk employee” role.

No access

User cannot log in to the chat (when they try to log in, the message on lack of permissions is displayed). They cannot see the “Open chat” option in the Agent.

A person with this right is also not shown on anybody’s contact list and cannot be chatted with.



Access to the management of the SmartTime module functions


This right allows access to the SmartTime module components via the nVision administration console and enables to grant the administrator rights in the web interface.

* Further options are only available when access to the module management is enabled

Access to the management of monitoring settings *


User can manage the monitoring settings for the users they have access to.

This setting is shared with the Users module (the function is available in both modules).

Level of rights in the web interface *


This right is only available when someone has full access to the management of users and access to the management of the SmartTime module functions.

A person with this role can manage all technical settings on side of the SmartTime. They can also see the activity data of all users.


User has always access to their data.

If they are set as group managers and have access to the group data enabled, they can manage the settings of their groups and see the activity data of their members.

They can see the activity data of all their subordinates in the hierarchy.

No access

User cannot log in to the SmartTime interface (when they try to log in, the message on lack of permissions is displayed).

They cannot see SmartTime links in any other part of the program.

They are still shown as users in SmartTime and their data can be viewed by their superiors and the administrator.

Block access to data of any other users


This setting is only available if the user’s level of rights in the SmartTime web interface is set as “user”.

This option blocks the activity visibility for any other users and overwrites any rights resulting from the groups and from the hierarchy.