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This tool is designed to list exhaustive system information from Windows computers (using WMI). It has several predefined queries allowing to read service list, disk information, process list etc. You can also define your own queries. Please read the topic Enabling WMI on remote computers prior to using WinTools to learn how to enable WMI on remote computer in order to read information from them.


To use WinTools


1.Select ToolWMI WinTools tool on the navigation bar.
2.Enter the username (use username@domain for domain users) and password  in the Connection sidebar group. This is required to read WMI information from the windows computer. This may not be necessary if you are already logged to this Windows machine.


Information provided


You can see very wide range of information by selecting the appropriate task on the Tasks sidebar. There are many predefined information tables in the General and Custom WMI Queries groups available.


You can define your own WMI queries to get required information. Just click New button at the bottom of the Custom WMI Queries group. This will allow you to define a query with visual query builder. You can also enter the WMI query manually - click arrow next to the New button and select Enter query menu.

