Trouble tickets - overview

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The trouble ticket database allows the users to report technical issues with use of the HelpDesk interface and via e-mail. The incoming tickets are processed and assigned to specific HelpDesk support employees who are notified about the assigned problems which need to be solved.

Each ticket is assigned to a specific category and has a priority defined to it. Ticket management and processing is simple due to the mechanism of statuses describing the ticket life cycle.


Tickets statuses:

New – the ticket has been registered in system, but no action was performed by any user.

Open – the HelpDesk worker should update the ticket.

Waiting for response – the requester should update the ticket.

Suspended – ticket is set to suspended by HelpDesk worker (e.g. the issue should be discussed with third party).

Closed – the ticket has been closed by HelpDesk worker. Closed tickets cannot be deleted.


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09_img2 Starting the HelpDesk interface

09_img2 Ticket list

09_img2 Adding a ticket

09_img2 Adding a comment

09_img2 Categories

09_img2 Priorities

09_img2 Editing a ticket subject

09_img2 Merging tickets

09_img2 VNC connection

09_img2 Deleting a ticket