Remote access

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The server, i.e. the central nVision program, must run on a static IP address.

Remote access tunneling in nVision

nVision listens on new TCP port 4436. During the installation, this port is configured only for Windows Firewall (to learn more, go to the Ports topic).

The Agent establishes a connection with nVision – and the connection is maintained and used for communication. Therefore, remote access is available even if nVision cannot establish a direct connection to the Agent (e.g. the machine with the Agent is behind NAT). Remote access tunneling also works in nVision WebAccess.


Remote access options

In order to connect to the device remotely, right-click the device and select Remote access from the context menu. Then, select one of the Access modes in the remote access window:



View only

View user’s window without the possibility of interfering with the user’s device.

Concurrent access (default)

Both the user and the remotely connected administrator can perform actions on the device.

Block user mouse

Remotely connected administrator can perform actions on the device. The user can perform actions using the keyboard, the mouse is locked.

Block user keyboard

Remotely connected administrator can perform actions on the device. The user can perform actions using the mouse, the keyboard is locked.

Block user mouse and keyboard

Remotely connected administrator can perform actions on the device. User’s mouse and keyboard are locked.

File manager

During the remote access session, it is possible use the file manager to transfer and copy data between workstation in a convenient manner.