Article list

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The article view shows the list of articles present in the knowledge base. The view is coherent with the ticket list view.


In the left part of the window, there is the main navigation (see Main views) and the quick preview column. The quick preview allows you to rapidly display a data set from the specific area of interest. For instance, you can display unpublished articles, which, additionally, belong to one of the two selected categories.

Article list

The main part of the described view is the article list table. Each article is represented by a single tile. The following data are displayed within a tile:

Article status (red – draft, green – published, orange - internal)


Context actions: editing (only for the HelpDesk support employee and Administrator) and deleting (only for the Administrator)

Article cover (if it was defined)

Excerpt from the article text

Date of creation

Date of last update


Number of article visits by end users (only for the HelpDesk support employee and Administrator)

To open the selected article, click its title.

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09_img2 Article list

09_img2 Adding an article

09_img2 Editing an article

09_img2 Deleting an article