Host info window

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To see host info, double-click the host icon or select Host info from its context menu.


The tab presents:

basic information about the host being monitored: host name, importance, department, type,

the Monitor if this host is up: field allows setting the “parent” host (a host will not be monitored and alerts will not be raised if the “parent” host is down),

additional information in info 1 / info 2 fields: downloaded by the Agent from the description of the machine and domain being monitored,

additional fields for notes,

list of all addresses and interfaces available on a given machine.



nVision can monitor ICMP, TCP and UDP services. You can see all monitored services listed in the grid available in the Services tab. The information about response time and requests sent/received is presented for each service. After you select one or more services, you will see the chart showing response time and % of requests/packets lost (only if one service is selected). You can see historical data in several time periods (e.g. the last 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and a whole year). To select the appropriate period, just select the corresponding icon on the chart toolbar. To scroll the chart backward and forward, use the arrow icons located on the chart toolbar. For more information about services refer to the Monitoring services chapter.

Performance counters

nVision can monitor several types of performance counters (for the complete list of available counters refer to the Counter types topic). You can see all monitored counters listed in the grid available in the Performance counters tab. The information about last and minimum/maximum/average value is presented for each counter (except the Host status counter which does not have min/max/avg values). After you select a counter, you will see the chart showing its value. You can see historical data in several time periods (e.g. the last 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and a whole year). To scroll the chart backward and forward, use the arrow icons located on the chart toolbar. For information about counters refer to the Monitoring performance chapter.

Bandwidth usage

This tab shows the bandwidth usage by processes that are grouped according to the settings in the nVision’s options. To monitor the bandwidth usage, it is necessary to install an Agent and enable this option in the Agent settings.



This tab contains the information about hardware configuration of the machine monitored by the Agent, a list of connected devices and the history of connections and file operations on external data media.


This tab shows a list of all applications installed on computers. For more information, see the Hardware and software inventory topic.
Fixed assets

This tab shows a list of assets for a given host. It also allows detected events to be managed. For more information, see the Fixed assets topic.

User files

Shows a list of files in the specified format scanned by the Agent according to the settings in the Agent profile.

File manager

Allows data to be transferred between the local computer (nVision server) and the workstation being managed.


This tab shows the history of changes in hardware configuration and programs installed on the host. It also displays the information about IP address from which the Agent has connected to the nVision server. If this is a public address, you can double-click the row to open a new browser window with the web page that presents the estimated address geolocation.



SNMP browser

If the host is SNMP manageable, you will see a SNMP tab with a SNMP browser. In order for the data to be read, configure the SNMP community data after clicking the Configure credentials link on this tab.

Port mapper

The port mapper tab shows a list of all devices connected to the switch port. It is available only when nVision is able to read the appropriate SNMP information from the host (which is available mostly on switches).

SNMP traps

The SNMP Traps tab presents the list of all generated SNMP traps.


System information

Information about the operating system collected in the Inventory module.

Windows services

Shows a list of Windows services monitored on a given host.
In order to monitor by WMI, you have to properly configure credentials in the host properties window. Also WMI has to be enabled on the remote host. Please refer to Requirements and configuration topic for more information.

To monitor Windows services without opening remote access to WMI, install Agents.
Windows event log

Shows a list of events saved in the Windows Log, monitored according to the specific criteria on a given host.
In order to monitor by WMI, you have to properly configure credentials in the host properties window. Also WMI has to be enabled on the remote host. For more information refer to the Requirements and configuration topic. To monitor Windows services without opening remote access to WMI, install Agents.


Shows a list of processes currently running on a given host.

Remote commands execution

Allows a command line to be run remotely on the host. This function can apply to several machines at the same time.


Event log

This is a list of all raised alerts on the host along with the action execution log for every alert. You can view alerts sorted by several fields and also filter them to see only alerts that are interesting to you. Click the Configure device alerts link to create individual alerts.


The Syslog tab presents the list of all generated Syslog messages.