Window layout

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The nVision window layout is intuitive and easy to use.





Menu bar

The nVision functions are grouped into in 3 tabs on the menu bar:

hmtoggle_plus0 “About nVision” tab

hmtoggle_plus0 “Main” tab

hmtoggle_plus0 “Tools” tab

Atlas panel

The Atlas panel is located in the left part of the window and divided into two tabs: Devices, Users and Assets.

The Devices tab presents a list of all devices grouped as maps. To find out more about maps, see the chapter Atlases, maps and hosts.
After selecting devices in the tree, the list is presented in the central view.

The Users tab presents the nVision user accounts and their groups. Both the accounts and groups are carriers of monitoring and blockade settings.
See the monitoring and locking settings.

The Assets tab presents a list of all assets created in the program. It also gives you the ability to create application templates and check what programs are installed. Detailed information is presented in the dedicated chapter.