Data updating, improvements, fixes.
New features:
[nVision] Information in the console about not unique user email addresses.
[nVision] Integration of alarm notifications with the Perseus Monitoring 145 hardware SMS gateway.
[nVision] Multi-factor authentication for console login with Perseus Monitoring 145 hardware SMS gateway.
[DataGuard] BitLocker – support for status: Encryption suspended.
[HelpDesk] Change of the Announcements editor mechanism.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New function:
[nVision] Upgrade of Axence nVision server database engine to PostgreSQL version 15 - improved security, performance and database stability.
[nVision] Change of the Agent database engine (SQLite). Improved performance and stability of the Agent database.
[nVision] The token clearing function for SMSAPI and OAuth2 Microsoft authentication when a user stops using them.
[nVision] Integration with the SMSEagle Gateway: the ability to send notifications from alerts.
[nVision] Mass deletion of service monitoring and performance counters from multiple devices.
[nVision] User avatars available in the nVision console, in the SmartTime module, in the HelpDesk ticket system and in chat.
[nVision] A new reporting system that includes predefined reports and allows you to create your own reports. The modules currently supported are: SmartTime and HelpDesk. Reports for the other nVision modules will be introduced in the future.
[Inventory] Relations between an asset and other assets, users, user groups or licenses. This feature supports the risk and incident analysis required by the NIS2 directive.
[Inventory] A suite of improvements to the management of application templates in the “Assets \ Software \Applications” window.
[HelpDesk] Ability to configure multiple mailboxes for incoming requests and comments.
[HelpDesk] New automation conditions that take into account the e-mail address of the mailbox to which the request was sent.
[HelpDesk] Handling multiple email addresses (aliases) of a user account. Example: messages sent from name.surname@company.com or n.surname@company.com are processed as sent by the same person.
[HelpDesk] Access to source files of incoming e-mails that have been processed into requests.
[HelpDesk] Ability to delete closed tickets.
[HelpDesk] New field type in submission forms for displaying long text such as an information clause.
[HelpDesk] New, refreshed chat with mechanisms allowing, among other things, embedding images and attachments in the message content.
[HelpDesk] New monitor switching mechanism in remote access.
[nVision] Change the activation mechanism of the program without rewriting the license key.
[Inventory] Adding a "TPM" column to the "Devices / Hardware" tab.
[Inventory] Memorizing the values of the “Document Type” and “Branch” fields when adding multiple documents in bulk.
[HelpDesk] Change the “Anonymous reports” function to “Whistleblower complaints”.
In case of migrating from nVision 10 or older versions of the program, it is not possible to import outstanding data from nVision Agents. We recommend making sure that all Agents are connected and have uploaded data to the nVision server before the installation.
Upgrading the database engine to PostgreSQL in version 15 requires data migration. The process is performed automatically but before upgrading, make sure that the size of the free space on the disk with installed Axence nVision server must be at least equal to the sum of the size of the database folder (by default: ”C:\Program Files (x86)\Axence\nVision\Database\AtlasPG) and backup file (it may vary depending on the degree of data compression).
In nVision 16 we withdraw support for free license - freemium. We are introducing the possibility of trying Axence nVision out in the form of Trial version. If you have any questions about licensing issues, please contact the Sales Department at sales@axence.net, phone: +48 12 448 1359 or through the from.
In nVision 16 we withdraw the chat under Agent icon for Windows XP and Vista systems. The change is dictated by the modernization of chat and the use of the current WebView2 technology, which is not supported on the aforementioned systems.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
New function:
- [HelpDesk] Changing the “anonymous report” function into a “report from a whistleblower” function aligned with the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Law.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[nVision] Encrypted synchronization with Active Directory with LDAPS (Secure LDAP).
[nVision] New window for managing administrators' rights to departments with a convenient object search.
[Inventory] Administrator permissions for resource types, licenses, and documents via department permissions.
[Inventory] Bulk editing of asset attributes, e.g. status.
[Inventory] S.M.A.R.T. data readout from NVMe drives.
[Users] Possibility to use the mask * in exclusions for integration into the TCP/IP stack.
[HelpDesk] Simultaneous administrators work with announcements.
[HelpDesk] Announcements drafts.
[HelpDesk] Archiving old announcements.
[HelpDesk] New window for selecting the recipients of the announcements with a search engine.
[HelpDesk] Exportable list of tickets.
[SmartTime] Information on the account status in the 'Contacts' tab.
[AdminCenter] Ability to rename the widget.
[nVision] Change of data presentation in the Administrators' Access Log. Ability to swiftly navigate to a related object.
[HelpDesk] Disabling locking of the console interface when uploading files in the File Manager.
[HelpDesk] Adding a ticket number in the subject line of an email sent as an automation action.
[SmartTime] Saving the selected date when switching between day, week, and month views.
[HelpDesk] Change of toolbar in remote access.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[HelpDesk] New remote access mechanism and interface. Improved remote access performance.
[HelpDesk] Simultaneous remote access by several administrators to the same Agent. Full support for terminal sessions.
[HelpDesk] Ability to select the displayed screen during remote access.
[HelpDesk] New status of tickets: " Solved".
[HelpDesk] New action in automations: "Add public comment."
[HelpDesk] The possibility for automation actions to add attachments and links to Knowledge Base articles in internal and public comments.
[HelpDesk] Restrict ticket creating by selected user groups to certain categories only.
[HelpDesk] Restrict access to Knowledge Base articles in specific categories to selected user groups only.
[HelpDesk] User profiles in ticket view allowing to identify the user more precisely by: phone number, email address, supervisor details.
[Users] Registry of blockage violations: a view shared with the DataGuard module that aggregates information about attempts:
- entering blocked websites,
- launching blocked applications,
- downloading files with blocked extensions.
[Users] Alerts for incidents collected in the registry of violations.
[DataGuard] Registry of blockade violations: a view shared with the Users module that aggregates information about attempts:
- connecting blocked storage media.
[DataGuard] Monitoring file operations from network assets shared by devices not supported by the Agent, e.g. Synology, Qnap arrays, etc.
[DataGuard] Defining auditing rules in the form of lists.
[DataGuard] Defining local drive auditing exceptions for the user.
[AdminCenter] New widget: "Network map."
[AdminCenter] New widget: " Registry of blockage violations."
[AdminCenter] New widget for DataGuard: "BitLocker."
[AdminCenter] New widget for DataGuard: "Antivirus."
[AdminCenter] New widget for DataGuard: "Firewall."
[HelpDesk] Remote access permissions improvements.
Installing Axence nVision 15.0 Server and Console is not available on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
As of nVision 15.0, remote access within the HelpDesk module does not work on Agents installed on Windows XP and Windows Vista computers.
The new remote access is not available in the freemium version without a valid Service Agreement.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
New functions:
[SecureTeam] Export user list to import file for Axence SecureTeam with group and supervisor information.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[nVision] Password policies for local nVision user accounts: minimum length, uppercase letters, digits, special characters.
[nVision] Password policies for local nVision user accounts: automatically force password changes to meet password policy requirements.
[nVision] Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for access to the nVision console: email and/or SMS.
[nVision] Multifactor Authentication: defining the time after which credentials must be re-entered.
[nVision] Multifactor Authentication: bypassing MFA authentication in the console on the nVision server.
[Network] VMware: monitoring the status of virtual machines.
[Network] VMware: managing the status of virtual machines.
[Users] Detecting suspicious activity: detecting activity simulated by popular jigglers.
[Users] Detecting suspicious activity: defining the time (min. 15 min.) when only mouse movement activity (no click) or entering the same character from the keyboard will be detected.
[Users] Detecting suspicious activity: including suspicious activity in reports.
[Users] Detecting suspicious activity: new event in alerts: "Suspicious user activity has been detected".
[Users] Detecting suspicious activity: ability to enable automatic capturing of screenshots when suspicious activity is detected.
[Users] Web blocking lists: integrating a list of websites in the form of a .TXT file from any external address, e.g. CERT (built-in by default).
[Users] Web blocking lists: automatic refreshing of dynamic lists of websites synchronized from external addresses.
[Users] Web blocking lists: new mechanism for assigning blocked websites based on rules. Rules sharing between Atlas, groups and user accounts.
[DataGuard] Remote disk encryption with BitLocker (on Agents with Windows Professional version or higher).
[DataGuard] Remote disk encryption with BitLocker: saving the recovery key to a file and as an asset in nVision.
[DataGuard] Information about installed third-party antivirus software (other than Windows Defender).
[HelpDesk] Notifications: displaying message history for users from the Agent icon.
[Users] Web blocking lists: improving the efficiency of the blocked websites list distribution mechanism.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number:
New functions:
[HelpDesk] Ticket approval flows - defining the process in which a user obtains approval from designated people in the organization.
[HelpDesk] Assigning approval flows to ticket categories.
[HelpDesk] Software repository with applications - defining applications allowed for self-installation by users from MSI packages.
[HelpDesk] Software repository with applications - assigning available installers to user groups.
[HelpDesk] Remote registry editor.
[nVision] Possibility to change the connection port for the management console.
[nVision] Possibility to change the connection port for the Inventory Assistant application for Android.
[nVision] OAuth 2.0 authorization for alert notifications and ticket processing in HelpDesk (eg Microsoft 365 Exchange Online).
[nVision] New alert actions: notifications via MS Teams and Slack messengers.
[nVision] End of support for ICQ alert action.
[nVision] [nVision] New alert actions: integration with https://www.smsapi.pl/
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[Network] Possibility of imposing performance counters on a device according to a template (pattern)
[Inventory] Mobile Inventory Assistant for Android: searching for assets, scanning labels, adding and editing assets, adding service activities, printing labels.
[Inventory] Template-based generator of documents.
[Inventory] [Inventory] Automatic numbering of added assets according to a defined numbering pattern.
[Inventory] Automatic numbering of added documents according to a defined numbering pattern.
[Inventory] A history of use of a specific software license.
[HelpDesk] Dark mode in the ticketing system and chat.
[DataGuard] Integration with Windows Firewall: enabling and disabling the firewall for selected types of connections, creating traffic rules, reading the firewall status on workstations.
[SmartTime] Dark mode in the productivity app.
[SmartTime] Separation of productivity indicators of subgroups belonging to the main group reporting to the selected manager.
[SmartTime] Ability to limit the available contacts.
Organizing and standardizing icons in all web applications (HelpDesk, SmartTime, AdminCenter).
[Network] Arranging device icons to the grid in network maps and custom maps.
[DataGuard] Redesign of the audit view of operations on devices, folders and files - separation of information in columns with the possibility of content filtering.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[HelpDesk] Processing of notifications in anonymous mode (support in the implementation of the requirements of the “Whistleblower Directive").
[HelpDesk] Ability to add a description for the notification category, e.g. to include the GDPR clause.
[HelpDesk] Support for content formatting in messages sent to users from the nVision console (links, graphics, and text formatting supported).
[HelpDesk] New layout of the ticketing system and chat.
[DataGuard] Integration with Windows Defender: management of embedded antivirus software settings with the option to alert about any issues detected and scan results.
[DataGuard] Integration with Windows Bitlocker: status of the TPM module and encryption of volumes.
[nVision] New, global search engine in the nVision console: global search for objects, e.g. devices, users, resources and Program interface elements (e.g. options).
[nVision] Agent uninstallation logged in console.
[nVision] New smart maps’ conditions for users’ permissions for ticket system.
[AdminCenter] New widget: "Last 10 tickets with a breached SLA metric" in HelpDesk module.
[AdminCenter] New widget: "10 upcoming SLA metrics" in HelpDesk module.
[HelpDesk] Warning about the possibility of disclosing information to third persons when editing a list of notification observers.
[HelpDesk] Patches for remote access.
At the same time, remote access will not be available for new Agent installations on Windows XP/2003 starting from version 13.0.
However, if the Agent has been installed in a previous version, remote access will still work after the update.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[SmartTime] Private time - ability to disabling the activity analysis function in SmartTime when using a company computer for private purposes.
[Users] Blocking processes from running based on the location of .EXE file.
[Users] Rules for web filtering and applications blocking: a change in the mechanism for creating and managing rules, grouping rules.
[Users] Rules for web filtering and applications blocking: duplicating rules between user groups.
[HelpDesk] Managing local Windows user accounts (creating, deleting, activating, editing rights, password reset, editing accounts).
[nVision] Administrator Access Log: sending events to the external Syslog collector.
[Users] User activity information: Highlighting the Agent which the activity was performed on.
[Inventory] Assigning multiple license to audited application at the same time (multi-select).
[nVision] Administrator Access Log: logging access to main nVision's Options.
[nVision] Administrator Access Log: restricting access to full activity logs for top level administrators only (built-in Administrator + Super Administrators).
[nVision] Information about browsed tabs and administrator’s name in User info \ Events \ History window.
[nVision] Options: Critical program options only available for top level administrators (such as maintenance or service configuration).
New functions:
[nVision]: deeper integration with ActiveDirectory – detects devices based on information read from AD.
[nVision]: deeper integration with ActiveDirectory - information on the Organizational Unit (OU) of the device.
[nVision]: deeper integration with ActiveDirectory – a new way of grouping devices in the network tree based on information read from AD.
[Network]: new widget in AdminCenter – Recent devices in the network.
[Network]: filtering of events in the “Event log (alerts)” widget.
[DataGuard]: filtering of events in the “Last 10 file operations” widget.
[AdminCenter]: optimized widget performance.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
[nVision] New functional area AdminCenter for nVision administrators - interactive dashboards and widgets accessible through the Web browser to show data from all nVision modules
[nVision] Axence nVision version 12 introduces the requirement for the 64-bit Windows operating system for the Server and Remote Console installations
[nVision] PostgreSQL Database Engine upgraded to version 12 – improved database security, performance and stability
[SmartTime] Simultaneous edition of the application’s Productivity and Category
[SmartTime] Preview of the list of users of a selected application
Admin Center - interactive dashboards and widgets:
Responsive widgets, management of widget grid sizes
Automatic refreshing of dashboards
Displaying dashboards in dark mode
Sharing dashboards in read-only mode
Management of administrator permissions to AdminCenter functionalities
Widgets that display data from the individual modules:
- From the Network module: Performance counters, Alerts and TCP/IP services responses
- From the Inventory module: Changes in hardware configuration for devices with Agents, Changes in application configuration for devices with Agents, Alerts for assets
- From the Users module: Printouts statistics, Applications usage statistics, Web activity
- From the HelpDesk module: Ticket handling statistics, List of recent unresolved tickets, List of oldest unresolved tickets
- From the DataGuard module: Recently connected external media, Recent file operations
- From the SmartTime module: Productivity for group, Unproductive time statistics.
Visit the website to know more about AdminCenter
At the same time, we would like to inform you that we are gradually withdrawing the WebAccess functionality. At present, WebAccess will be disabled by default, but it can be enabled manually in the nVision Console.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
- [HelpDesk] Advanced ticket visibility managing system for HelpDesk staff
- [HelpDesk] Creating ticket assignment rules based on Requester's group
- [HelpDesk] Knowledge Base: additional „internal” status. Articles marked with it are accesible for HelpDesk Staff only and can be attached as comments to tickets
- [HelpDesk] E-mail footer with an information about the ticket, the automation is run on
- [DataGuard][DataGuard] File operations monitored in user local directories
- [HelpDesk] Improved searchbox. Fast access to latest tickets and attachements
- [HelpDesk] E-mail actions in automations sent to specific users accounts types (Assignee or Requester)
- [HelpDesk] Improved ticket closing wizard with optional, additional comment
- [HelpDesk] SLA violations reports with summary
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
- [HelpDesk] Remote connection to an Agent-computer in a company branch from any Windows computer for an employee (end-user) using a remote access application.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
For proper interaction along antivirus software, it is required to upgrade your Bitdefener antivirus engine to the current version - Bitdefender 6.12.1-1.
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
Axence nVision® 11.5 introduces a new version of the Inventory module .
New functions:
- [Inventory] Inventory module version 2.0
- [HelpDesk] Increased module performance when loading large amounts of data
- [HelpDesk] Reduced RAM usage by the HelpDesk service
- [DataGuard] Change in classification of data storage devices
“Recognition of USB Attached SCSI (UAS) device type as USB storage device has been added. This change may affect the classification of data storage devices in the DataGuard module rules. Therefore, the DG rules should be verified.”
Inventory module version 2.0:
- [Assets] The Fixed Asset object replaced with the Asset item
- [Assets] Assigning assets to users. Displaying a list of all user’s assets
- [Assets] Attaching documents to assets, including the option to add a single invoice to multiple assets
- [Assets] Handing over assets and generating hand-over protocol
- [Assets] Defining assets statuses, e.g. “new”, “disposed of”
- [Assets] Logging assets history, e.g. service operations on hardware
- [Assets] Assigning assets to devices. Displaying a list of all assets assigned to a device
- [Assets] Specifying persons authorized to use assets
- [Assets] Global fields introduced for all asset types
- [Assets] New type of additional field: selection list
- [Assets] Option to automatically create assets of selected types
- [Assets] Option to automatically delete assets
- [Applications] Introduction of the Application object based on software templates
- [Applications] Installations, users and licenses purchased for a given application available in one place
- [Applications] History of the application installation on the device
- [Aplikacje] Zarządzanie kategoriami aplikacji
- [Applications] Management of application categories
- [Licenses] Assigning licenses to users
- [Licenses] Assigning documents to licenses
- [Licenses] License management mechanism developed:
- Tracking licenses assigned to a user
- Tracking installations for a single user on multiple computers
- Tracking licenses by serial numbers
- Tracking different application versions on a single device
- [Documents] The Attachment item replaced with the Document object
- [Documents] Adding one or multiple documents at the same time
- [Documents] Assigning documents to assets or licenses
- [Documents] Management of document types (invoices, , photos)
Changes in nVision interface:
- New layout for assets
- New layout for application management
- New layout for license management
- New layout for documents
- New layout for asset settings
- Change in the icon layout on the ribbon
- New Assets tab and easier navigation among asset types
- User information – new sections relating to assets
Starting from nVision 11.5, the minimum required version of Windows operating system for the nVision Server is Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 = it is no longer possible to install / update the nVision Server on Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 (no longer supported by Microsoft).
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
Free trial of the new module SmartTime is included to Axence nVision® 11.
New functions:
- [SmartTime] New module for time management and employee activity analysis
- [HelpDesk] Three levels of Chat authorizations: full access, technical support only, no access
- [HelpDesk] Folders in the ticket category tree, extension to four-level structure and folder management
- [Helpdesk] Option to disable the auto-hide of notifications in the Agent menu
- [nVision] New enhanced system for managing administrator’s and user’s authorizations
- [nVision] Possibility of granting authorizations in bulk for a selected group of users
- [nVision] Merging local Windows user accounts created by Agents (non-domain environment)
- [nVision] Possibility to fill in the contact details for a user account created by Agent and the synchronization of the data with Active Directory
- [nVision] Automatic data push at user log-out and system shut-down
- [nVision] Introduction of users hierarchy imported from Active Directory
- [nVision] Assigning a manager to a group of users at the group view level
- [nVision] Integration of alarm notifications with the HW Group SMS gateway
- [Inventory] E-mail notifications from the Date and Time fields in Fixed Assets
New module - SmartTime:
- [SmartTime] Statistics of work time and personal activity in a selected time interval
- [SmartTime] Statistics of a group and its members’ activity visible to the group manager
- [SmartTime] Statistics of a subordinate’s activity visible to the supervisor
- [SmartTime] The list of visited websites and applications along with the time of use
- [SmartTime] Statistics on the popularity of websites and applications for the organization, a group of users or an individual user
- [SmartTime] Defining websites and applications as: productive, neutral and unproductive
- [SmartTime] Possibility to apply productivity exception for a website or an application in a selected group
- [SmartTime] Indicator of time spent on productive activity
- [SmartTime] Defining required productivity threshold and unproductivity limit with possibility of enabling email alarms
- [SmartTime] Assigning categories to applications and websites, e.g. Office, Production, Entertainment - a predefined list of categories with the possibility of editing
- [SmartTime] The list of contacts in the organization with a built-in search engine
- [nVision] Change of the icon layout on the ribbon
- [nVision] Possibility to disconnect a group from the tree of groups, without removing the group
- [Inventory] Readout of the full number of the Windows compilation build
On 10/JUL/2019, minor improvements and bug fixing in version
The following list of changes was introduced on 13/MAY/2019 with the publication of nVision
New functions:
- [DataGuard] Removal of outdated or non-existent media (e.g. USB) from nVision
- [DataGuard] Addition of the “authorized medium” attribute and modification of the alarm for “external” device connected
- [nVision] Introduction of the possibility to open the alarm configuration window from the “device/performance/services and meters” window
- [nVision] New report in the form of the user data sheet, including information about current settings for individual users for the Users and DataGuard modules
- [Users] Possibility to indicate the work station where a given activity has been performed
- [nVision] Limitation of rights to disable/ de-install the nVision agent
- [HelpDesk, Inventory] Selective granting of authorizations to administrators for File Manager
- [Users] Faster blocking of the launched applications - the applications are blocked during the attempted launch
- [HelpDesk, Inventory] Optimization of file transfer in File Manager
- [Inventory] Key reading for the latest MS Office suites
- [nVision] Addition of search engine/ filter in the item: Administrator > Authorizations > Groups > that enables the desired group to be quickly displayed.
- [HelpDesk] Addition of information on merging the issue in HelpDesk
On 19/MAR/2019, minor improvements and bug fixing in version
The following list of changes was introduced on 21/NOV/2018 with the publication of nVision
New functions:
- [nVision] database engine upgraded to the latest version, improving the database performance and security
- [nVision] added possibility to change the settings of the group of selected devices
- [nVision] reminders for the administrator in the case of a change in the user’s key data and settings
- [nVision] info about the number of found occurrences added to the table filtering mechanism, with the option of temporary toggling the filter on/off
- [Network] security improved by adding the AES, DES and 3DES encryption for SNMPv3 protocol
- [Inventory] added possibility of the remote removal of user files
- [HelpDesk] [Inventory] file manager functionality added in remote access
- [HelpDesk] file manager functionality added in the console and in the device details dialog box
- [HelpDesk] added functionality of Windows process management from the level of the device details dialog box
- [HelpDesk] added functionality of configuring custom fields related to the selected trouble ticket category
- [HelpDesk] added functionality of the automatic clearing of the conversation history in the chat feature
- [HelpDesk] administrator name added in the notifications in the remote access
- [HelpDesk] added chat window notification: about a message being written in the current conversation, about the reading of the last message in the current conversation
- [HelpDesk] added option of displaying knowledge database articles as a list
- [HelpDesk] new Agent menu with notification settings and counters
- [HelpDesk] new Agent notifications about chat messages and files, and about comments to the tickets
- [nVision] export to PDF/TXT/XLS/XML/HTML file formats in the Devices tab in the list of devices and agent
- [nVision] console minimization behavior changed
- [nVision] WMI distribution action moved from the Main tab to the Tools and Options tab
- [Network] new appearance of the Port Mapping tab in SNMP section of the device details dialog box
- [Users] simultaneous saving of all screenshots
- [Users] changed Atlas pop-up menu in Users tab
- [HelpDesk] new appearance of e-mail notifications about comments to the ticket
- [HelpDesk] new appearance of the Remote Command Execution dialog box
- [HelpDesk] added Remote Command Execution tab in the Windows section of the device details dialog box
- [HelpDesk] fixes related to remote access
Data updating, improvements, fixes.
Detailed main version changelog has a number
New functions:
- introducing consistent with the GDPR, integrated data access based on the object of User – in place of access to data based on network devices
- collecting and displaying data in reference to a User – data remains assigned to the selected User regardless of User devices status (merged, archived, removed)
- introducing group and user profile which defines all permissions considering flash drives, portable devices, applications and websites blocking policies, as well as monitoring policy
- introducing default monitoring and security policies which are automatically assigned to each employee (both Windows local account and ActiveDirectory synchronized)
- all permissions automatically follow the employee on all computers where the employee works,
- restricted access to personal data and employee monitoring data (GDPR compliance) – possibility of granting access to a group of users only to selected Administrators
- possibility to fully remove data of a selected user (GDPR compliance)
- intelligent users groups – collections of Users fulfilling specific set of rules
- generating reports for groups – reports for Users’ activity for maps and devices can be created by choosing a User or a group
- new graphic design and new icons
- main menu replaced by the ribbon and sidebar, new options layout
- new layout of the device information window
- user search in the program main window
- groups and subgroups management in the main program window
- drag-and-drop option for transferring Users from User’s grid to groups
- [HelpDesk] ticket list automatic reload
- [HelpDesk] multi-processing actions for tickets
- [HelpDesk] new automatization condition: “requester belongs to a group X”
- [Czat] content search in chat conversations
- [Czat] support for unicode-emoji and lenny face
- increased security of Server-Agents-Console communication - using TLS1.2 protocol which replaced the previous encryption model
- [HelpDesk] adding global views configuration to tickets lists (for Administrators)
- [HelpDesk] views configuration development - the ability to select multiple condition arguments
- [HelpDesk] e-mail notification details development
- [HelpDesk] modifying e-mail notifications of new comments in tickets
- [HelpDesk] adding new warning message indicating closing other assignee’s ticket
- [HelpDesk] displaying information about the requester for ticket’s observers
- [HelpDesk] displaying information about the loss of the HelpDesk/Administrator role by the assignee in the event log
- [HelpDesk] switching between screenshots previews in tickets by using keyboard cursors
- [Chat] support for keyboard shortcuts on chat contact list
- [HelpDesk] system loading optimization
- [Czat] message loading optimization
- [Czat] changes and improvements of chat layouti
For proper interaction along antivirus software, it is required to upgrade your antivirus engine to the current version (e.g. for Eset Endpoint Antivirus / Endpoint Security, 6.6.2046.1 version is required).
New Axence nVision version is available to download from our website. Auto update will take place up to one month since the official release date.
New functions:
- SLA - metrics
- SLA - reports
- SLA - non-working days management
- reports module - new „to print” view and capability to print reports (including print to PDF)
- browser notifications from chat
- information about processes with administrator privileges
- direct display of images and videos from external URLs in chat
- „Automatic Detection” tab in the properties of each network
- some other minor improvements
For proper interaction along antivirus software, it is required to upgrade your antivirus engine to the current version (e.g. for Eset Endpoint Antivirus / Endpoint Security, 6.6.2046.1 version is required).
New Axence nVision version is available to download from our website http://axence.net/en/nvision.
Auto update will take place up to one month since the official release date.
New functions:
- Windows Task Scheduler monitoring
- information about connection between switches and network devices
- Windows Services monitoring
- rebuilded notifications
linking of tickets
- Knowledge Base: improvement of articles list view
- Knowledge Base: article cover adjusting
- dynamic expansion/collapsing of the filter list
- additional conditions for tickets view related to user
- additional automation conditions for ticket updater
- ability to change the size of the side panels (ticket summary, article summary, filters)
For proper interaction along antivirus software, it is required to upgrade your antivirus engine to the current version (e.g. for Eset Endpoint Antivirus / Endpoint Security, 5.0.2271 version is required).
New functions:
- software management (installation and uninstallation) through MSI packages manager
- ability to configure alert for an event "user exceeded printouts limit"
- ability to configure alert for an event "user exceeded data transfer limit"
- device detection based on ARP-ping
- ability to define more conditions in periodically triggered automations
- ability to filter event log by initiator
- change of dashboard view to clearly show remained workload
- ability to add time spent on resolving a ticket while closing it
- ability to create a announcement from context menu on selected icons / Agents / users
- ability to execute distribution tasks when users are logged out or after specified hour of the day
- Agent profile: ability to define on which days users should be monitored
- auto-discover nVision server by nVision Agent
- auto-discover nVision server by nVision Console
- ability to limit alerts only to defined device type
- Improved mechanism of placing icon of host with an Agent on a correct network map
New functions:
- HelpDesk:
- reports:
- closed tickets reports:
- daily report
- weekly report
- monthly report
- comparative assignee report
- comparative priority report
- comparative category report
- comparative department report
- helpdesk employee activity reports:
- daily response time
- weekly response time
- monthly response time
- summary ticket number
- comparative ticket number report
- comparative user activity report
- comparative first response person report
- currently processed ticket reports:
- summary ticket number report
- comparative assignee report
- comparative priority report
- comparative category report
- comparative department report
- export to XLSX and CSV
- planning substitutions for the period when technical support employees are absent (with e-mail notifications)
- remote execution of commands (e.g. Non-productive)
- Users:
- configuring alerts for an event: the user visited domains from a selected group
- Inventory:
- manual uninstallation of applications installed with the use of MSI packages
- HelpDesk:
- possibility to use certificate for HTTPS communication
- assignee-related conditions in automations
- details about deleted tickets in the event log
- information about user status (removed/disabled/on vacation) in ticket view and in chat
- possibility to delete categories and priorities used in tickets
- possibility to add files with the drag-and-drop function in tickets and articles
- Users:
- address monitoring for websites browsed in Microsoft Edge
e - adding domains and applications to groups from the user activity view level
- checking the domain reputation from the user activity view level
- Detection of nVision Server address during Agent installation from exe file
- Setting a custom icon for own device types
- Warning about the action to “Close the system” in the console and on a computer with an Agent
New functions:
- HelpDesk:
- Chat: group chats, recent chats, file transfer
- HelpDesk:
- Configuration: e-mail ticket processing through IMAP
- Tickets: view and filter configuration
- Tickets: carbon copy (duplicate should be sent to another person)
- Tickets: tickets’ history printouts
- Knowledge Base: attachments in articles
- Categories: labels
- Automation: more conditions
- The ability to change a user’s password
- Users: monitoring activity in ModernUI applications
- Network: support for 64-bit SNMP/WMI counters
- Inventory: report segment on network shares and startup commands
- Inventory: “Required” attribute for fields at details of fixed assets types
- DataGuard: new alert configuration “for all devices in addition to the selected”
- Host info window: Agent status details
- Duplicates window: option to merge hosts + ‘Agent ststus’ column
- ‘Agents’ view: ‘External IP’ additional column
- Main view: network maps tree refresh time optimization
New functions:
- New, clear and intuitive interface
- Interface: dashboard for administrators with report statistics
- Interface: report view updated in real time
- Interface: ability to change the language of the interface in real time
- Interface: expanded search engine; results from the tickets list and articles in the Knowledge Base
- Event log: notifications in real time
- Automations: defining automations based on the premise: condition -> action
- Tickets: WYSIWYG editor
- Tickets: links to articles in the Knowledge Base
- Tickets: internal comments
- Chat: new interface
- Chat: user finder
- Chat: ability to browse chat history
- Knowledge Base: new interface
- Knowledge Base: cover images of articles
- Knowledge Base: WYSIWYG editor
- Knowledge Base: ability to add multimedia (image files or YouTube videos)
- Knowledge Base: creation and management of article categories.
- Event log: browsing of activity in the system with event filtering and sorting
- Tickets list: advanced filtering and sorting
- Tickets: detailed ticket information
- Improved rules for assigning tickets to helpdesk employees
- Resizable message window.
- Detailed information on processes using bandwidth
- Ability to categorize visited websites
- Information on RAM: manufacturer, part number, serial number, number of slots
- Percentage column indicating RAM and HDD use added to hardware audit
- Automatic updates of software templates.
- Ability to define a custom device type
- Ability to control Windows services running on a computer with an Agent
- OID field names in MIB objects showed in SNMP traps and alert contents
- Event “Agent not connected for X days”
- Sorting of shapes and groups in map view by name or number of icons
- Automatic resetting of duplicated Agents’ GUIDs
- Generation of reports to PDF format
- Optimized performance of the remote console working through an Internet connection (WAN)
- Improved text wrapping when printing bar codes, and selection of which fields should be printed (sub-menu: Style)
- Ability to add a device directly to a network map, custom map, or to a department
From nVision 8.5 onwards, the minimum version of Windows required for installation of the nVision Server is Windows Vista = it is no longer possible to install or update the nVision Server on Windows Server 2003 (which is not supported by Microsoft itself).
New functions:
- Option for the automatic update of nVision Server
- ‘Time Schedule’ event for executing actions on a time basis
- Atlas option: Automatic moving the agents’ icons between network maps
- Users: ability to set in agent profile the scope of hours for users activity monitoring
- Users: showing names and sizes of attachments in monitored e-mail messages
- Inventory Agent working on various Linux distributions and Mac OS X
- HelpDesk: multi-selection (with Ctrl/Shift and spacebar) of hosts/users when creating an announcement
- context menu option to shutdown/restart system (by Agent or by WMI)
- ‘Network info’ menu option on a public network map address
- Agent related menu options has been moved to separate menu
- added device type: Scanner
- refreshed info bars
- Users: fixes in web filtering mechanism
New functions:
- Users: blocking of filetypes downloaded from WWW + blocking of ports
- Inventory: ability to import licenses from a file
- Inventory: automatic fill of serial number field for ‘Computer’ fixed asset type
- Added ‘Last response time’ column in duplicates window
- In ‘Devices’ view added ability to make visible columns: Department, Importance, Server, Router
- Expand/collapse state of network map tree branches is now saved
- Added ‘Notes’ tab in atlas/map/host properties window
- Users: fixed monitoring of websites visited in Firefox 40
- Easier searching and deleting of devices in ‘Tools \ Show duplicates’ window
- HelpDesk: ignoring autoresponder messages in e-mail ticket processing
- HelpDesk: fixed chat message notification from Agent tray icon
- Fixed network rescanner and resolver for the case of duplicate IP addresses
- Fixed port mapper view
- Fixed font anti-aliasing
New functions:
- HelpDesk: assigning helpdesk agents to tickets’ categories
- HelpDesk: processing tickets from e-mail messages
- HelpDesk: knowledge base
- Inventory: Agent for Android
- Refreshed console interface
- New types of devices and icons
- Refreshed WebAccess/HelpDesk interface
- HelpDesk: search enhancements
- HelpDesk: messages from the nVision console
- HelpDesk: possibility to create a distribution task on the basis of already created tasks
- HelpDesk: possibility to create a message on the basis of already sent messages
- HelpDesk: possibility to create an announcement to Agents from selected network map or department
- Users: monitoring of e-mail messages in SSL/TLS POP3/SMTP and 64-bit e-mail clients
- Users: monitoring of websites in 64-bit browsers
- Users: information about website blocking by the Agent in the browser
- Inventory: possibility to define the prefix/suffix of the inventory number in the fixed asset configuration
- Automatic filling of ‘Info1′ and ‘Info2′ host properties fields with content of ‘Computer description’ and ‘Workgroup’ fields taken from ‘Control Panel \ System’
- Easier searching and deleting of devices in ‘Tools \ Show duplicates’ window
- “Network Interface Card Manufacturer” smart map filter
- Device status: “Archive”
- HelpDesk: fixed tickets sorting with pagination
- Users: blocking of websites using HTTPS protocol has been corrected
- Re-scanner and resolver has been corrected in the event of IP address duplicates
- DataGuard: blocked access notification hint from Agent icon
- more detailed information regarding Agent status in main views ‘Devices’ and ‘Agents’
- HelpDesk: resetting remote machine CapsLock state after establishing connection
- fixed definitions of HTTP and HTTPS services
New functions:
- Inventory: added alert events on change in system information (startup commands, network shares, S.M.A.R.T. status)
- WMI over Agent (for monitoring Windows counters, services and event log without need to open remote WMI access)
- unification of table views (for better readability at higher screen resolutions)
- HelpDesk: updating ticket modification date if any change occurs (also when adding comment, attachment, screenshot)
- HelpDesk: e-mail notification to person assigned to the ticket on any ticket change
- HelpDesk: option to receive e-mail notifications regarding any ticket content change is now enabled by default
- enabling device identification by DNS name only if IP <-> DNS resolution gives the same result in both directions
- HelpDesk: ability to block user’s mouse and keyboard in remote access
- automatic device identification using its’ MAC address
- ability to limit number of automatic backups
- DataGuard: monitoring file system operations performed by users on network shares
- DataGuard: ‘Show only devices with individual permissions’ filter
- Inventory: Agent’s IP connection address available in history + doubleclicking on a row containing a public IP address opens a webpage with geolocation info
- ‘Port mapping’ smart map filter
- improved speed of data transfer from Agents to nVision
- Users: fixed monitoring of websites visited in Chrome 38+
- update of database engine
- enhancement of updating data from SNMP interfaces
- fixed displaying reports
- HelpDesk: fixed dispalying pages of tickets
New functions:
- New database (PostgreSQL)
- Improved performance and stability and a much smaller database size – due to transition to the widely applied standard – PostgreSQL (the new database is typically more than 50% smaller after updating to v7.5).
- Agent and offline scanner collecting hardware and software inventory data for Linux Ubuntu (if you need an Agent for other Linux distributions or Mac OS X, contact our Technical Support)
- Remote console optimization
- The remote console now works more efficiently through the Internet connection (WAN).
- Automatic updates of the remote console
- After installing a new software version you do not have to update the console on all machines – the software will do it automatically during the first connection.
- Help is always up-to-date and the installation file is smaller
- As the User Manual has been introduced in an online version, you can always access the latest version of this document, and the installation file is significantly smaller (from approx. 230 MB to 100 MB).
- Downloading a user list data from the selected Active Directory’s OU
- the name of the administrator currently logged in to the nVision Console is added in menu File/Log out
- the list of network adapter manufacturers was updated
- nVision Console performance improved
- nVision Agent configuration update mechanism fixed
- report generation performance improved
- HelpDesk connection mechanism fixed
- port mapping mechanism fixed
- configuration of admin rights: management of map access rights and blocking of operations for selected modules
- access log: information on the operations performed by individual Administrators
- poprawiono mechanizm kontroli połączeń z Agentami i Konsolami nVision
- poprawiono mechanizm generowania raportów
- console operation fixed
- database mechanism fixed
- operation of alarm action for Windows services fixed
New functions:
- the remote console: these can be installed on Administrator machines and allow for the parallel use of the software
- Inventory: Microsoft Office 2013 license key discovery
- Network: added Windows Event Log report segment
New functions:
- nVision operation in a service mode in Microsoft Windows Vista and newer systems
- HelpDesk module: remote access through any browser with support of HTML5
- data preview from DataGuard module and Fixed Assets (Inventory module) in browser access
- Users and HelpDesk modules: user is asked for confirmation when administrator attempts to view their desktop
- optimization in the scope of TCP/IP service monitoring performance
- Users module: blocking HTTPS websites as well
- improved database mechanism
- improved operation of Wake On LAN function
- Users: improved monitoring of visited sites in Chrome 28
- Fixed database mechanism
- Inventory: fixed RAM detection
- HelpDesk: chat disabling made possible
- Fixed database repair feature
- improved database backup mechanism
- Inventory: downgrades included in the software audits
- fixed service detection mechanism
- Network: fixed WMI monitoring mechanism
- when Agent is uninstalled, MSI entry is also removed
- DataGuard: quicker transmission of file audit information
- Users: fixed printout cost reports
- Users: fixed monitoring of websites visited in Firefox 20
- Fixed report mechanism
- Fixed file distribution
- DataGuard: fixed problem with domain users visibility in access right management
- Warning when external Agents fail to connect
- Inventory: fixed reading of computer’s serial number
- Inventory: improverd printing of barcodes
- fixed sending of SSL e-mail notifications
- improved icon removal
- option “Agent \ Temporary disable” disables DataGuard on specified machine
- improved limitation on incoming connections of Agents
- Inventory: fixed device removal
- Users: fixed visited website monitoring in Firefox 16
- HelpDesk: fixed session connection stability
- Inventory: fixed QR code printing
- “Show duplicates” button in the software template management dialog box
- message with information about trouble ticket assignment is sent to the person, to whom the trouble ticket is assigned
- fixed screen refreshing in remote access
- fixed barcode printout mechanism
New functions:
- optimized closing of atlas and program
- added “View only” option in WebAccess Remote access window
- added “Automatically assign this license for applications” option in License Properties window
- NetTools is in version 5
- fixed network map deleting mechanism
- fixed improper data reading mechanism from database
New functions:
- Wake on LAN option for network interfaces and devices
- New alarm actions: “Send SNMP Trap” and “Send Wake on LAN packet”
- New event: SNMP Trap
- improved software and hardware inventory mechanism
- improved report generation
- fixed character input in “Prepare nVision for Atlas address change” and in HelpDesk configuration
- improved printout data collection
- improved Agent data reset mechanism
- fixed icon behaviour when copied or deleted from original map
- fixed SNMP credentials test
New functions:
- Barcodes in the Fixed Assets module:
- Printing barcodes for fixed assets that have an inventory number assigned
- Mobile application for taking inventory of equipment with barcodes download mobile application and manual
(download mobile app and manual)
- Archiving and comparing fixed asset audits
- Selecting or specifying IP address of a machine with installed nVision, when installing the Agent through WMI and MSI package
- Improved software template updates
- Improved report generation efficiency
- Improved printout searching
- Improved monitoring of visited websites in Firefox 13
- Improved license list filtering
- Improved setting of own logo in HelpDesk configuration
- Improved user importing from Active Directory
- Improved moving between maps in Web interface
- Improved screenshot transfers
New functions:
- Integration of the DataGuard module with MS Active Directory – managing access rights assigned to users
- The user’s view in the main nVision window now displays the most important user data (an equivalent of Device List), including the machine the user is currently working on, whether the user is currently active (is he/she sitting at the computer), the user’s HelpDesk chat status, currently running applications, currently viewed websites
- Generating reports for MS Active Directory users, regardless of the machines they were working on at the given time
- Application launch blocking feature
- Support for SSL encryption in e-mail notifications
- Agents view in the main nVision window now displays the status and details of Agents installed on workstations, including detailed system data (workstation CPU and memory usage)
- Fixed Assets view in the main nVision window
- Distributing and launching files via Agents (including MSI files)
- Distribution queuing feature, if a machine is off when the operation is requested
- Support for attachments in the HelpDesk module
- Support for screenshots in the HelpDesk module
- Auditing windows include a feature that allows you to filter elements per branch
- Possibility to send announcements to specified groups of computers/users in the HelpDesk module
- Streamlined TCP monitoring in large networks
- Shorter time required to generate large reports
- Improved detection of MS SQL version in the Inventory module
- Option to disable uploading of Windows wallpaper and theme in remote access mode
- Improved Agent communication when changing the software version (versioning)
- Table column sorting fix
- Port mapper SNMP table data read fix
- Fixed assets network adapter data read in systems older than Windows Vista
- “Add” button issue fix
- Improved “Software inventory change” event
- Unblocked edition of services made by coping existing ones
- Fixed timeout issues when connecting through proxy
- Improved application usage report
- Improved SNMP data read in port mapper
- Improved details of data on Agent’s connection status
- Improved network scanner: added scanned address counter, optimized usage of ignored list
New functions:
- new report segment presenting audited custom files of remote workstations
- fixed assets’ alerts (e.g. licence expiration reminder)
- device status added to DataGuard audit report
- ignoring a device uses its name instead of IP address when possible
- NIC vendor displayed on the host’s interface list as well as in the “Port mapper” window
- duplicated printouts from Terminal Services monitoring removed
- websites blocking fix
- Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox monitoring improvements
- hardware inventory collection improvements
New functions:
- HelpDesk module integrated with Active Directory
- enhanced the stability and performance of the PortMapper function
- enhanced the stability of Agent’s persistent connection with nVision
- Agent’s persistent connection with nVision, when active, is indicated by green color in the “Host info” window
- multiedition of Fixed Assets (ability to edit/delete multiple records at once)
- Ctrl+F keystroke set focus on the search field
- additional information in DataGuard audit log
- improved configuration of the inventory report segments
- serial numbers of some uncommon USB devices are read correctly
- microsoft Visio 2010 and 2002, Microsoft Project 2010 and 2002 activation keys are read correctly
- occasional freeze of the TCP services management form fixed
- time of web browsing with Firefox 4.0 and 5.0 is calculated correctly
New functions:
- status of a device in WAN or behind firewall/NAT and with enabled “Permanent connection with nVision” option is based on the connection status instead of TCP service monitoring status
- during VNC connection with a workstation, the connection icon is displayed in the taskbar, if the “Notify about connection” option is enabled in the Agent profile
- Remote Access dialog box saves its settings
- added feature for exporting all screenshots downloaded from Agent
- Web Access: added the displaying of device information Info1/Info2, device name separated into columns: IP address and DNS
- added icon location animation, when the machine search function in the atlas is used
- when a new machine is being added, it is now possible to enter its network mask
- option to delete printouts from the printing audit window
- improved support for Kingston flash memories with hardware encryption
- added new report segments pertaining to the monitoring of e-mail messages
- during manual computer scanning with the use of Inventory Scanner, the list of ignored folders is now taken into consideration
- fixed error, which caused the list of used application headers for the entire week to be displayed in the weekly view instead of the view for the specific day
- fixed error, which resulted in the lack of recalculation of alarms, which got modified or deleted
- fixed routing map creation feature
- fixed mechanism for drawing components in the smart map filter editing window under Windows XP and 2003 without enabled visual themes
- fixed mechanism for reading register keys for 64-bit applications in Software Inventory
- reading information with SNMP v3 from CISCO devices was improved
- minor fixes of nVision running without the Inventory module
- DataGuard module’s handling of Hub USB devices was improved
New functions:
- user can force the offline Inventory Scanner to scan network drives by means of “/network” parameter given during start-up
- additional “Info1/Info2” host fields are displayed in the map grid view
- German language version
- a search box added to the ”Choose host” dialog box
- ability to use a DNS name of nVision’s network location during the process of creating an MSI package or during manual setup
- faster transmission of overdue data from the Agents
- a list of ignored folders is used during the offline scanner’s scanning process
- fixed a bug that could block removal of a node (if it occurred on a Smart Map)
- fixed a bug that could result in an invalid image size after map export
- “Configure alerts” form title is now displayed correctly
- a custom license type is properly displayed in the “Node software list” report
New functions:
- „Change on a switch’s port” event can be configured to occur only for new MAC addresses
- User activity data compacting:
- Agents’ profile option for sending already-compacted data, atlas option for compacting Agents’ data older than specified period of time, data compacting function in “nVision database backup & repair”
- application stability enhancement by moving VNC Viewer into a separate process
- added a warning message box, appearing when attempting to block all network adapters in DataGuard
requesting Agents’ data now works also for computers in remote networks or behind NAT (requires the option “Persistent connection with nVision” to be set in the Agents’ profile) - a new report presenting a list of all installed applications along with the computers they are installed on
- fixed a bug that could leave some files or registry entries connected to an already-removed application
- corrected the way the SNMP information about WAN adapters are being read from certain network devices
- fixed a bug that prevented from choosing a department or a smart map as a source of an automatic report
- fixed a bug that could cause a BSOD on the system with ESET NOD32 installed
- fixed a bug that could cause a Microsoft Office serial number not to be read by nVision
- if OriginalFileName field is missing, the Agent reads information from file’s InternalName field
- automatic restarting of nVision database service if any error occurs during software startup
- increased performance of map drawing feature
- limiting the amount of sent data in Agent
- choice of report category added in the report definition dialog box
- fixed memory leakage, which could occur during the import of System Information data
- fixed error in the calculation of user break time duration
- fixed error causing the sporadic crashing of the software in the register browser screen
- fixed error causing the incorrect operation or lack of alarms for Windows event log monitoring in a specific configuration
New functions:
- serial numbers (license keys) for Windows / Office / Visual Studio / Microsoft SQL Server loaded together with the application list; the user is also able to add the number for other applications and edit the numbers detected by the Agent
- monitoring of printing costs:
- option to set the paper cost per format
- option to set the printing cost per printer and per format
- option to group printers by means of identifying one printer as another one
- integration with Printing Audit window (column with printing cost and summaries)
- integration with user printout tab in Host Info
- reports presenting the printing cost:
- total cost
- total cost per user
- total cost per printer
- total cost per printer with format details
- intelligent maps and branches:
enabling the better management of logical device structure within the company (branches) and creation of dynamic maps according to custom filters (intelligent maps) - new features in DataGuard module:
alarm system and managing access rights for devices, which do not support any file systems, i.e.:- mobile phones
- multimedia players in WPD mode (e.g. MP3 players)
- cameras
- printers
- network adapters
- network adapters
- Bluetooth, IrDA ports, etc.
- Remote Access also works when Agent is behind NAT – in wide area networks and on the Internet from the level of nVision Web Access. Connection is redirected by nVision (previously a direct connection with Agent/VNC was established). Option General/Permanent connection with nVision in the agent profile must be enabled (disabled by default)
- Web Access: additional options during logging in:
- map refreshing frequency: 3/15/60s, default 15s
- option to toggle the automatic refresh on/off, when the user is inactive (currently the windows are refreshed by default even if the user is inactive)
- option to generate reports for Web Access users:
previously only the administrator was authorized to generate reports; now the users can generate reports for hosts and maps, for which they have ‘Host-infor view’ authorization; reports for the entire atlas can be generated only by WA administrator
- improved software stability and performance
New functions:
- a column with Agent’s GUID number added to the nodes index view
- MAC address of a host can now be used as a variable in the nVision actions
- added new reports: “map’s users activity summary” and “hosts uptime summary”
- added additional information about RAM in the hardware inventory
- fixed an issue that could cause empty rows appearing in the “list of devices with selected application installed” window
- fixed an issue of invalid usage time of application in User Activity (the Users module) when using the “Hibernate” option on the workstation
- fixed an issue of applications not being removed from the software list after their uninstallation
- atlases’ backups of size greater than 4GB are now correctly displayed
- correction of reading of particular monitor manufacturers’ serial numbers (Hardware Inventory module)
- fixed bug that occasionally caused “Host info” window hiding while browsing User activity data
- correction of Software Inventory licenses’ count information inconsistency after removing an application template
- fixed bug, that could occasionally hang the application while browsing collected NT Event Log data for host with huge number of Event Log entries
New functions:
- added a new performance counter that allows monitoring of HTTPS service with possibility to use client certificates
- added a button that allows deleting the screenshots collected for a specified user in the “Host info” window
- when using manual inventory data import (via Inventory Scanner), now, custom files data is also collected
- when collecting inventory data via Agent for the first time, alerts about new applications found are not generated
- added a message with a recommendation of the database repair operation for maintenance purposes – it will pop up when it’s necessary
- increased efficiency of creating heuristic application templates
- fixed an issue of licensing information still available after an application template removal
- fixed an issue that could cause some new CPU names being displayed incorrectly on the Windows XP machines
- fixed an issue that could occasionally cause program crashes while shutting down
- fixed an issue that could cause the column names in the “Hardware inventory” report editor not being displayed
- fixed error causing the sporadic incorrect counting of free disk space in the hardware inventory
- fixed function for processing software templates, which was erroneously creating the instance of an application with a template containing no identification elements
- fixed error, which could result in blocking the software inventory data import
- item “Run nVision service” added in the menu Start/Programs, if the program is installed as Windows service under XP or Server 2003
- fixed mechanism for reading the CPU usage information
- fixed error, which caused the local printers not to be displayed in computer hardware information in certain configurations
New functions:
- DataGuard – official version with reports
- software inventory: new templates date base (over 500 templates)
- managing access rights for users of nVision’s Web Access module; assigning specific maps and information which user has access to
- better support for alerts based on SNMP & Windows state performance counters; defining events using “value equals” and “value different” conditions
- the database process of nVision takes less CPU time
- improved reading computers’ serial numbers Beta
- increased performance of generating user activity reports
- DataGuard module is now fully compatible with machines that are using TrueCrypt for encrypting the system partition and other file driver based, third-party software (like antivirus or automatic backup software)
- fixed and optimized algorithm for creating software templates on the basis of register entries
- fixed error causing the displaying of an incorrect amount of free disk space in the hardware inventory
- button for processing templates on all devices added in the template management dialog box
- improved procedure for updating computer addresses with Agent
- fixed error in the CPU usage time processing procedure Beta
- The DataGuard module
- a network, centrally managed version of DataGuard
- blocking ports and media
- blocking physical devices and interfaces: USB, FireWire, SD sockets, etc., SATA, portable hard disks, floppy disk drives
- only the data transferring devices are blocked – printer, keyboard, etc. can be connected
- managing port access rights
- defining the user/group rights to access and copy files
- authorizing corporate devices: flash drives, disk drives, etc. – private devices will be blocked
- central configuration by means of rules (policies) set for an entire network or selected groups of machines
- full blocking of specific port types for selected machines
- auditing operations on portable devices: connection/disconnection of a flash drive; reading and copying files to/from a flash drive
- password-protection against the user’s interference and deletion attempts, even if the user has administrator rights
New functions:
- the duration of storing screenshots acquired from workstations was separated within the program options (in order to improve the effective use of disk space)
- unified pop-up menu in the map view and device list view
- automatic restarting of the database service before database repair operation
- increased performance of the function for reading the local user list by Agent
- improved performance of sending user file information
- fixed error occurring under specific circumstances during connections of the remote desktop with the physical system in Windows Server 2003
- fixed quality of reading web page headers with a non-standard title from Internet Explorer browser
New functions:
- option to create a list of ignored IP and DNS addresses in the network re-scanner
- added possibility to disable the sending of system information by Agent in the Agent profile
- unified pop-up menu in the map view and device list view
- automatic restarting of the database service before database repair operation
- increased performance of the function for reading the local user list by Agent
- fixed error causing the sporadic lack of the scanning of executable files in Agent
- automatic restarting of the database server service if a communication error is detected
- message with inquiry about Agent uninstallation added during the removal of a device icon in nVision
- changed layout of the dialog box for configuring the Agent’s screenshot storage
- minimum screenshot acquisition interval set to 5 seconds
- change of software license type from “unknown” modifies the license type of the appropriate template
- added “Windows Server 2008”
- fixed copying of Agent’s MSI package
- fixed communication with Agents from nVision 3.6
- fixed error causing the incorrect settlement of different types of licenses
- fixed EDOMParseError occurring during the import of System Information
- Agent communication status icon added in the Device Information window
- protection against changing the name of Agent’s executable file
- improved communication with database server
- data collected by Agent are sent divided into packages to improve communication stability
- setting the “Disable LSP integration” option in Agent profile as enabled by default
- fixed procedure for updating device addresses, when a change of MAC address occurs
- after downloading data from Agent, a device icon is automatically set to the appropriate type
- fixed procedure for LSP driver installation
- fixed error during hardware inventory data import
- fixed error causing the failure to generate alarms about the change of installed software
- Increased efficiency of the program – possibility to fully monitor and collect a complete inventory from up to 10,000 devices
- MSI Installer – possibility to install the Agent via Active Directory
- New reports and alarms (for user monitoring and inventory)
- Scanning media files on the employees computers
- System info: detailed information on the Windows configuration
- Remote access: access to multiple monitors
- Windows Event Log – possibility to set filters in order to minimize network traffic and to eliminate redundant records
- More information about printing: color, duplex, format, etc.
- More information about the communication with Agents: for example, easy checking where the Agent has been stopped
- Improved stability of the program and communication with the Agent
- Many other minor bug fixes and modifications
- Better performance – the software with Agents is adopted for monitoring and inventory taking in wide area networks with thousands of machines and WAN connections
- Advanced user monitoring:
- Number of visits on a website with headers and visit duration (general statement of visited pages, and total viewing time for the given page)
- Accurate work time: work start and work end time, breaks
- Process monitoring: total operation time, employee work time
- Detailed lists of used software, with application usage start/end time and the list of opened documents. Time of inactivity of launched programs (for analysis of the usage of so-called “concurrent licenses”)
- Work history: cyclical screenshots
- Printout monitoring: a report containing the information on the printout date, used printer and printed document. Printing audit by users/printers
- E-mail message monitoring (who, from, subject, size – without content)
- Advanced software inventory and auditing:
- Management of owned licenses (license types); license compliance report
- Easy software legality audit and notification, when the number of owned licenses is exceeded
- Automatic detection of installed applications utilizing the extensive template database (updated via the Internet and by the users)
- Detecting applications copied in the form of files without installation and used from portable drives (flash drives)
- Automatic heuristic creation of missing templates
- Advanced hardware inventory:
- System configuration: shared resources, local users and groups, S.M.A.R.T. information about the local disk drive status, routing table and much more
- Statement of owned hardware configuration, free disk space, average memory usage, etc.
- Audit window allowing the selection of a system, e.g. which requires an upgrade
- Other:
- Option to block selected websites
- Remote access allowing the take over of any logged in user and the physical console (works also on Terminal Server)
- Option: remote access and screen view only upon the user’s authorization
- Central management of Agent configuration by profiles
- Enhanced Windows system log monitoring. Option to filter transmitted data (reducing the network traffic and elimination of unnecessary records)
- Multiple new alarms and reports
- Much greater efficiency – the program can very smoothly monitor thousands of network devices
- Language selection option – now you can choose from the following languages: English, German and Polish
- Other minor improvements and optimizations
- Web access. The new version provides a simultaneous access to the program – a number of administrators can access the program via a WWW browser – at the same time and from any place. Web access provides most of the Windows application functionality and includes remote access to workstations
- MIB compiler. Enables you to add new MIB files, which facilitate SNMP information from all network devices: switches, routers, printers, VoIP devices etc. The program can now effectively monitor thousands of different SNMP devices
- Full support for SNMP v1/2/3
- 30 new reports. Every information presented in nVision may now be printed on reports. Reports provide also several new statistical analysis not available previously
- Ability to discover new devices by analyzing switch port information. nVision may detect even fully firewalled computers, which cannot be scanned with ICMP and SNMP
- More comprehensive information about the addresses of the monitored devices. The program reads the ARP tables (via SNMP) and facilitates complete information about the MAC and IP addresses of the connected devices. This has significance as far as the mapping of the devices connected to particular ports on each switch is concerned. Connecting a private laptop to a corporate network will not be possible any more, without alarming the administrator
- Support for DHCP assigned addresses. The program frequently resolves DNS addresses so that the current IP address of the node is always used
- All IP and DNS address are periodically resolved
- Automatic fail-over – restarts the program automatically in case it stops working
- Improved e-mail action: more reliable mail sender and the ability to retry failed e-mails
- Additional optimizations – nVision consumes less CPU and loads large atlases faster
- New network scanner designed to configure the initial network scan more effectively
- Counter and inventory monitoring with WMI works when the program is installed as a service
- Many other improvements and bug fixes
- Windows event log monitor (collector) and alerter. This allows you to collect and browse windows event log entries and alerts you in case of any specific event
- Improved Agent:
- Fixed all stability issues. New version supports all operating systems including Windows Vista and is very reliable and stable
- Agent monitors user bandwidth utilization for LAN and internet
- Agent reports IP change on DHCP assigned addresses. It automatically changes the node address in nVision and generates an alert
- Automatic periodical new node discovery – ability to automatically rescan all networks with ICMP and SNMP to discover new devices
- Advanced node search in the main window and Host info window. It helps to locate a node with a specific IP/MAC/DSN address, name or location
- Mouse wheel scrolls the map
- Node properties may be edited for multiple nodes at once. You can easily set up the properties of many nodes, such as: credentials, monitored services, etc.
- Integration of license and hardware auditing windows and a new tab showing the history of changes for all computers
- Event log preview in the main window (under the map)
- New corrective action: remote program run
- Remote desktop preview supports multi-monitor computers
- Many other improvements and bugfixes
News and enhancements:
- Windows services monitoring. Ability to view services running on a Windows computer. Corrective actions: service start, stop and restart
- Router and switch monitoring:
- Switch port mapper and monitor, presenting all IP and MAC addresses of nodes connected to each port and network traffic on every port
- Monitoring router network interfaces (MRTG): status and network in/out traffic
- Monitoring network traffic on selected nodes
- Network inventory of hardware and software: information about the computer, installed applications; license usage auditing and alerts in case of program installation/de-installation or any configuration change, etc.
- User activity monitoring:
- Activity (work) time
- User program usage and reports presenting work time, web browsing, chatting, gaming, etc.
- A list of web pages visited by the user
- Remote control of user workstation (VNC compatible)
- File distribution with the ability to execute a program on a remote workstation
- New corrective actions: remote system reboot, starting, stopping and restarting Windows services
- The program now closes faster
- Many other minor bug fixes and improvements
News and enhancements:
- Reports – advanced printable and fully customizable reports
- Service editor: with the ability to create custom TCP/IP services
- New notification actions: SMS over GSM device, Syslog messages