New Axence nVision 8: with even better HelpDesk!
New Axence nVision 8: with even better HelpDesk!
New Axence nVision 8:
with even better HelpDesk!

Version 8.0. introduces:
- knowledge base,
- categorization of notices and integration with e‑mail in the HelpDesk module,
- refreshed interface,
- inventory of Android supported devices.
Knowledge Base: possibility to create articles and, in the case of repeated notices, the possibility of sending a link to the pre-prepared study to the user instead of copying the same answer over and over again,
Assignation of HelpDesk employees to categories of notices: thanks to the assignation of specific persons to selected categories, the notices are directed to the right support employees from the very beginning, and, if they are absent, to the person with the smallest number of open topics,
Integration with e-mail: not only the creation of notices in the system on the basis of e-mails, but also grouping them into threads (i.e. assignation of e-mails to relevant notices), responses and notifications,
Enhancement of the notice search and sorting mechanism: possibility to search (filter) also by categories and notifying/ responsible person,
other: messages from the nVision console, possibility to create a distribution task on the basis of already created tasks, possibility to create a message on the basis of already sent messages, possibility to create an announcement to Agents from selected network map or department.
Inventory of Android supported devices
and other new features in version 8
- Inventory: information about hardware and software from Android supported devices (the possibility to include the IT resources of many mobile devices in the inventory; the possibility to define a prefix/ suffix for the inventory number in the fixed asset configuration),
- Users: monitoring of e-mails in SSL/TLS POP3/SMTP and in 64-bit e-mail clients, information about website blocking by the Axence nVision Agent in the browser, adjustments in HTTPS website blocking,
- Network: "Network Interface Card Manufacturer" smart map filter, completion of the "Info1" and "Info2" fields in the device properties with the contents of the "Computer description" and "Working group" fields from Control Panel\System, status of the device: "Archive," facilitation of device search and removal from the Tools\Show duplicates window.
Refreshed and more intuitive interface
With the launch of the new version we refreshed the nVision console interface and the web interface. We added new icons and types of devices, such as firewall, sensor, mobile terminal, Android, iOS, VoIP gateways, ATM, payment terminal, fiscal cash register, mass storage, etc.
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