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Security is the key to company success


Security is the key to company success

One of the visible trends which is being followed by companies and institutions is the implementation of modern technologies from the scope of security in the broad understanding of the word. Not all people realize that modern solutions can prevent even those threats which could have the worst effects. [text_divider type="single"] Wise management [/text_divider] Management is an activity oriented to the execution of a specified goal. It consists of such elements as human and material resources, finances, marketing, production and logistics. However, contemporary companies are beginning to take one more important ingredient into consideration, i.e. security. External factors coming from the markets and situations observed within corporate organizations have an undeniable impact on the expansion of the awareness of executive staff. Competition, customer needs and legal requirements on the one hand, and network instability and not always loyal personnel on the other hand, have made companies pay much more attention to their own security. [text_divider type="single"] Trust or carelessness? [/text_divider] Research carried out last year by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab, univocally proved that approx. 32% of respondents had had to face a data leak resulting from negligence of their employees. Purposeful incidents were noted in as many as 18% of companies. 7% admitted in the research that confidential information on corporate operations had been leaked from the company as a result of employees’ actions. “Definitely, the most common reason that data is transferred outside of the workplace, is the use of storage devices and private e-mail,” explains Beata Kwiatkowska. Why do employees carry confidential information out of the company? There is no clear diagnosis here. It is hard to claim that each leak results from employees’ ill will. However, the reason is not as important as the effect, which can be felt in financial losses. “Data most exposed to danger are mostly commercial and industrial information. These are especially vulnerable data,” emphasizes Beata Kwiatkowska. “It is important that companies and institutions should be aware that you can prevent the employee-induced leaks with use of special software. An example of such a solution is nVision, which enables the control of access to portable devices, authorizes all portable devices, audits operations on devices and monitors e-mail messages.” she adds. [text_divider type="single"] Keeping your eye on everything [/text_divider] Companies should be aware that there are also many other threats. Factories, warehouses or manufacturing plants often fall victim to theft, as they store valuable materials and goods. Banking institutions are also exposed to losses. “It is difficult to imagine a modern company without solutions from a range of networked visual control systems. We see that these are used by more and more organizations,” says Agata Majkucińska, Key Account Manager at Axis “Communications, a manufacturer of networked visual supervision systems. Creation of a productive system can effectively prevent unwanted activities,” she adds. Along with providing security, network cameras may also become a valuable tool for improving general productiveness, which is especially important for the management staff. “Remote monitoring allows for immediate incident detection and response in undesired situations, but this is not its sole functionality,” emphasizes Agata Majkucińska. “Its unquestioned advantage is the chance of the effective management of human resources, adapted at any given moment to company’s needs.” [text_divider type="single"] Security for everyone  [/text_divider] Security is one of the most basic needs of civilization. We can obtain it today with the use of modern technologies. They are being developed more and more quickly and provide us with growing opportunities. They make us feel truly secure.